Monday, June 18

house guest:

I'm thrilled to introduce you to one of my very favorite Sarah's who has agreed to make a cameo on Tangled and True this week. Lucky us!

Sarah and I met when we were living as sixteen year olds in London and thought that Weezer was the ultimate cool and “hoochie” was a term of endearment. Sarah was a big part of my adolescent goodness. Eleven years later, her life still proves thrilling and her character admirable. Let me share:


What would you say your passions are right now?
I know it sounds cliché, but I love to spend time with my son. He's the most hilarious person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting.

Where (physical location) do you hope life will take you?
I hope life takes me somewhere unexpected. I'm sort of afraid of living the “suburban dream.” But for now, I love Oregon. It suits me well.

What is your favorite novel?
Wild Swans, by Jung Chang

... meal?
Bun ga noung (yummy Vietnamese noodle salad with chicken)... or gummy candy

... album?
Fevers and Mirrors, Bright Eyes. I can listen to it a million times and not get sick of it.

... news anchor?
Christiane Amanpour. She had a cameo on Gilmore Girls, how can you not love her?

What is the most unique thing about you?
My pseudo-celebrity crushes. Some examples: Comedian crush: Michael Ian Black. Radio crush: Ira Glass. Television crush: Jon Steward. There's a definite nerdy Jewish theme going on.

What is one life goal you have yet to accomplish?
I'd like to eat my way across Southeast Asia.

Your family is a sentence (or two):
Married to a handsome and mild-mannered Lawyer. We share Elliot, one very gregarious little boy.

She's a great friend, a brilliant woman and an inspiring guru on all things culture (and travel), literature, music and amazing baby boy wardrobe (among several others.. I'm sure). Welcome, Sarah!



Sarah, so good and strange to see you here. So many years have passed since those old single ward days! Great music picks!


Hey Michelle! I just looked at your blog and your girls are so cute! You have to love the internet for all the old connecting that can go on. Alysha has a blog too - there's a link to it on my blog.


Welcome Sarah! I'm excited to see what you have in store this week - your music post was fabulous.


Hi Sarah, welcome and nice to meet you here on Tangled and True.


Sarah - you are so famous. I just read wild swans - good choice. and also - your kid is cute.


thanks for participating, Sarah. I'm glad I could share you with my world.

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