Showing posts with label house guest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label house guest. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 29

behind the scenes:

If you're anything like me, it makes a world of difference to know the woman or mom or parents behind an already incredible company.  Our enthusiasm about Puj (see above giveaway!) comes from believing in their Go Sling and Booti as well as knowing (and celebrating) Katie as a person and friend.  We thought you could do the same!  Meet Katie:

*Katie, these new shoes are fantastic and very newborn Camper-esque (but with plenty of originality of course).  What did you pull from for inspiration when designing the Booti? 
I have always had a great admiration for all things simple. My favorite flower is the calla lilly because it's one pedal and so beautiful. I have always admired European/Scandinavian design because it was so minimal and had such beautiful clean lines. Originally I was a furniture designer and I always admired a design that could stand the test of time. Charles and Ray Eames were masters at this and have created a number of classic chairs that are both beautiful and functional. When I spend my money on something I don't want it to just look good but it must work well. I want it to last me a long time.

*So, what's the process for creating designer baby booties?  How long have these been in the works?
I started working on the booti pattern soon after my son was born (he just turned four).  Originally they were made from fabric. But when it comes to durability and simplicity the leather was a natural material for me to gravitate toward. I just kept thinking that most of the baby shoes on the market were either too stiff or had no form to them. I wanted a form that would be sophisticated and classic and yet have some character to them, without sewing on a lion or duck to be so literal. And the idea of a symmetrical shoe was just another way for me to make a parent's life that much easier. I can't tell you how many times I have wrestled my kids to get their shoes on, only to discover I put them on the wrong feet. It's these little things that can send a parent over the edge. And so Puj's mission is to eliminate these little daily hassles and make your time with you own "puj" more enjoyable.

*Congratulations on being en-route to becoming a mother of three boys!  What are the benefits and/or trials of being a mother-run business?
Being a mother-run business I feel I have a huge advantage over the large corporations because I am the customer. I am living the life of a parent every day and I experience the joys and frustrations that come along with it. In the Fall I will have 3 boys at home all day for one year before my oldest starts kindergarten. So I have plenty of little ones to test out my ideas. I also keep a notebook of ideas because there are times when I think "I wish I had one of these, or this would work so much better without all the extras." Of course, being a full time mother is an overwhelming task in itself and Puj would not be possible if I didn't have people around me who supported me and wanted to help out. My husband is a huge help and a BIG part of the company. He is a product designer as well and we're always bouncing ideas off each other. We also just hired our first employee who is helping to oversee manufacturing so I can focus on design of new products.

*Tell us a little about your family.
My husband and I met in the Industrial design department at BYU. We moved to the Portland Oregon area when I graduated and were working for competing design firms. Now I stay home full time as a mother and am LOVING it! We love going on adventures and playing outside. My husband introduced me to riding a road bike (bicycle) and now we go for rides with the whole family. We also like to grow a garden and have been doing a lot of work in our yard to expand it.

*I have the advantage of knowing you (and of course am a solid Katie fan), but for those who don't:
-your daily routine?
I am up and back from a morning run before my boys get up (most of the time). I am loving granola with yogurt and berries for breakfast these days! My husband works close to home so he usually joins us for lunch. I try and answer emails and get some work done while the boys are napping. Almost every afternoon we are usually at the park, even if it's cold and rainy! We also love the library and reading fun books before bedtime. I don't really get solid working time during the day and so I have had to learn when to put it down and go play hide-and-seek. I do also work at night after the kids are asleep, but sometimes I am ready for bed too after 8pm. 
-what are your passions?
Passions?  Hmmmm! I love fresh squeezed orange juice and a cold glass of lemonade! I love looking through all my fabric and thinking up a creation and making it up right then. I really like carpentry and welding but I don't have access to a shop these days and so the sewing machine has become my new passion. I use a 1968 Bernina with all machined parts. You can't believe how heavy it is but it is such a tank. I've been amazed and what it will sew through. It is always fun to explore new materials and try making something new. And most importantly I love seeing my boys get along and share with one another. It is so rewarding to be with a family I love and watch my kids learn and grow.
-an unfulfilled dream?
I really feel like I am living my dreams. Growing up I use to tell people "I wanted to work with metal." Though I do still love metal, really what I wanted to do was create with my own two hands.  I do like to compose on the piano and as a kid I dreamed I would be on the Oprah show and she would ask me all about my compositions! But, anytime I try to play the piano these days I have two little "helpers" playing with me.
-your favorites?
One of my favorite albums of all time is "David Gray: Lost Songs." He is such a sincere singer/songwriter and plays from the heart.  I love Vietnamese food. It is so fresh and flavorful without being greasy.  I am really liking non-fiction these days. "Dare to Discipline" by Dr. Dobson and Andrew Carnegies "How to Win Friends and Influence People" is great for business relationships. I have a pair of red "Shelly" shoes that look kind of like a flat dutch clog + are super comfortable. The best part is they were originally $80 and I bought them for $10 at this great store in Phoenix (where I grew up).  Designers: Marc Newson, Charles and Ray Eames, Phillipe Starck, Scott Wilson, and the like.  And vacationing in Southern Alberta. This is where my mother grew up and it was so fun to go and stay with my Grandparents and enjoy the farm country, Watertown National Park, Banff, Glacier National Park, there is just so much to see.  
*Is there anything we can anticipate from Puj in the future?  Where do you hope to take your company?
We do have a couple products we hope to introduce sometime this summer. And of course there are many more we are pursuing. I really feel like our brand could branch out into not just parent products but people products. We all can appreciate something simple that makes our lives better. 

Katie, you and what you've created are pretty fantastic.  I can't wait to see what's to come.  Congratulations on the Booti!  

Friday, February 8

thank you, Erica!

We love variety and enthusiasm, which is exactly what Erica has shared during this month of posts. Erica, thank you for your contribution! I'm still so excited to make these and really love these and hope to get some for Cole sometime soon!

Erica is returning to her busy, beautiful life and will no longer be writing here, but you can definitely follow her to her family blog and photography site if you wish. Thanks again and good luck with everything, Erica.

Monday, December 31


I really love guest bloggers and this last week has been such a treat. Thank you, thank you Allison and Brittany. The posts were fantastic, the interaction pleasant and I'm glad to know both of you.

Be sure to hear more from Allison by reading her very new and lovely blog petit elefant. I think it will have an exciting future with plenty of goodness. And Allison, I'm pulling for you to make it overseas sometime soon.

I'm also beyond thrilled that Brittany has chosen to stick around for a bit to continue to write on Tangled and True. It will be refreshing and perfect. She too has a potential project underway. We'll keep you posted. In the meantime, learn more about her family and her (and her husband's) incredible "side project" {I love this stuff!}.

Thursday, December 27


Raspberries are one of my favorite things to eat in the entire world.
I love most anything with Raspberries.

Halloween is my favorite holiday. Mostly because it starts the holiday season.
I love getting the girls dressed up, having a big halloween party with friends,
the crisp fall air, the smell, the pumpkin patch, corn mazes,
hay rides, apple cider, pumpkin chocolate chip bread,
I love it all.

Cannon Beach, OR. is my favorite place in the world.
I love skim boarding and building sand castles in the summer,
and curling up with a good book by the fire in the winter,
listening to the pounding rain and howling wind. I love the sunsets
and fires with smores, I love the trips we've taken with friends to the beach,
and nothing beats the 4th of July parade. We love Pig n' Pancake and Fultanos, the bakery, riding scooters, eating ice cream and shopping. There is no place I am more comfortable or happy and there is pretty much nothing I don't love about Cannon Beach.

I love to create. All kinds of things. Sewing, Scrapbooking, Photography,
Embroidering, you name it, I like it. Right now I love playing around with
photoshop, editing pictures and making announcements.

I love throwing parties. In my next life I will be a party planner. I plan them months in advance. They have themes and menus. They make my life happy. I already have the theme for Lily's next birthday which isn't until spring. Sad I know but I love it.

I love old things. There is nothing better than finding some cool old antique for next to nothing at a garage sale. I love open air flea markets and scouring Craigs list for good deals on old stuff. I incorporate my old finds into my decorating and it makes me smile.

Macaroni Grill is my favorite restaurant ever. Their Honey Balsamic Chicken is to die for. It melts in your mouth and tastes soo good. They cook the broccoli perfect every time and the pasta with sun dried tomatoes is yummy too (it comes with the chicken and broccoli). If you are ever there try their Lemon Passion cake, I promise you won't be disappointed. Ryan who doesn't even like lemon flavor loves it.

Other things I enjoy are blogging, cooking, reading, shopping, being with friends and family, traveling and snow shoeing to name a few.

Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to appear on Tangled and True! I hope this week will be as fun for all of you as it will be for me.


{Merry, as in Christmas}.
Don't ask.

I am actually a bit shy, so blogging is a perfect medium
for me. But since I'm shy, I am at a loss of what to
say about myself. Therefore, here are several
random interview questions
to illuminate you as to who I am.

Q: What was the last thing that made you belly laugh?
A: I can't remember, but it was definitely something
one of my two kids {girl age 8, boy age 3} said.
They are both hysterical.

Q:Where do you do your best thinking?
A: On the treadmill, or the pavement. I have so many
great thoughts and ideas while I'm running!
It's got to be all those endorphins pumping through my veins.

Q: Of what moment or time in your life are you most proud?
A: Graduating from college. I marched across the stage 5
months pregnant carrying my I.V. I made it across the platform
without passing out, and I was so pleased not to have used a
wheelchair! It was a tricky pregnancy, and I was so proud of
myself for sticking it out and graduating.

Q: What are your most prominent personality traits? Which of
your children seem to have these traits? Are there any you
wish your kids wouldn't develop?
A: I'm definitely compassionate, and articulate. Two
things I'm happy to say have rubbed off on my daughter.
She is a procrastinator for sure though,
{definitely something she learned from me}.
Hopefully I can break her of this before college.

Q: You are stranded on a desert island and only have 3 books to
read. What would you like to have with you?
A: Only three?!! A Separate Peace,
Franny & Zooey, &
The Norton Anthology of American Literature
{there is so much good stuff in there}.
But honestly, I would need someone to ship me
a few crates full. And even still, it would be
very lonely without all my books around.

Q: What TV shows are you embarrassed to admit you watch?
A: Ugly Betty, Backyardigans
{I have to beg my 3 year old to watch it}.

Q: If you had the ability to travel/live anywhere with no financial
limitations where would you go?
A: Definitely Greece. Although hopefully in the very near
future we will be temporarily relocating to Warsaw, Poland
{the home of my husband}. I am anxious for my children
to be fluent and speak with their father in his native tongue.
{And urban international living has a nice ring to it doesn't it?}

Q: If your life were a movie, what genre would it be?
A: Definitely not a romantic comedy. But probably a really
sweet romantic drama. I am so settled, peaceful, and
utterly happy with my 2 beautiful babies,
my amazing husband,
my home
{wherever they are}.

house guests!

Like I promised- 2 house guests to welcome us back to blogging after a nice break. Both are readers with nice ideas. Both are friendly and both are excited to contribute to this community of women and mothers that makes up Tangled and True. Welcome Brittany and Allison. I'm excited to see what's in store!

Thursday, October 4

Goodbye from NYC...

Here's a little graffiti composition that I snapped a pic of on the way to my son's art class this morning...the streets of nyc are a constant source of inspiration! It's been such fun being a part of Tangled and True this week...Thanks so much Kelli and Missy for including me! Stop by my blog and stay in touch!

Wednesday, October 3

They didn't even look...

....a little chocolate croissant and earl grey tea always help to get things going...
an hour later....
i like to call her ....:::::island girl:::::.......

Even if it's just for a minute...

I haven't really been drawing too much this week...I think it has something to do with the new camera that I just got...! I did doodle a bit yesterday during a late afternoon lunch...and I find that if I just keep the pen moving...even if it's just for a few minutes a helps! If you want to see more drawings just check out my blog...

Tuesday, October 2

Lullabies and Wildflowers...

I'm part of a moms group called the "Bowery Babes"...we all did yoga together during pregnancy (the studio was located on a street called "the bowery")...and we gather a few times a month for picnics at the park, lectures, movie screenings...and occasionally a girl's night out!

....Janeen and Melissa....

Most recently we gathered at my friend Melissa Errico's loft for a Toilet Training lecture :) given by the oh so helpful Janeen from Swell Being...
Melissa and I have been hanging out quite a bit lately because I'm illustrating the cover of her soon to be released album "Lullabies and Wildflowers"...!!

...Here is a little sneak peek at the cover! You can read more about the very talented Melissa Errico here...and check out some of her tunes ! The album will be released on Mother's perfect!

Sometimes I stroll...

If you find yourself in NYC you might want to pop into ABC...I tend to slip into another world every time I stop in...
I imagine hanging lots of candy colored fabrics from my walls...
and chandeliers from my ceiling...(at least 12!)...
and then eventually...I sort of float back to my street...back to my corner deli (nyc mini-grocery store...) gaze at flowers and wonder what to make for dinner with tom...
and it usually ends up looking like this...take out...(crepes/endive salad)...

Monday, October 1

Coffee and markers...

Good morning from NYC...a little coffee/doodling is never a bad way to start the day...I'm really excited about being a guest blogger this week...I promise to get some fun stuff to you in a few hours...but right now it's time to drink more coffee and hang out with my son!

hello Kate! {house guest}

This week is starting off right. We're lucky. You know when you meet the kind of people that leave you wanting to go fight poverty and injustice during your lunch break?? They recognize the world {life} as being beautiful and they're already doing their part to make it more so?? That's what I know of Kate so far: talent, hope and inspiration. Here's a bit more from our {virtual/late night} interview.

from her blog: Kate Neckel.

Kate Neckel in 5 words?
Curious, passionate, inspired, naïve, lucky

You can't live without:

(my husband, son and family...) but if you want to know a few things that I love love love (that really don’t matter but are SO nice…) then I would have to say…hot hot baths with a new magazine, morning coffee from Café Grumpy, tulips, being cozy, sushi…

Your dream home:
I don’t really have one…but I guess it would either involve the beach (a little surf town)…or maybe a little cottage in the South of France…just someplace where everyone could pop in for a visit and be comfortable…lots of room for making art, music, cooking and hanging out...

What's on your playlist?
Scout Niblett…Uptown Top Ranking
Lemonheads…Black Gown (acoustic)
The Blow…True Affection
Ben Kweller…Nothing Happening
Pavement…Elevate Me Later
Bob Dylan…Positively 4th street
The Kooks…Naïve
The Strokes…Automatic Stop, You Only Live Once

Do you skate? {You'll see the influence throughout her art...}
No…but my work has really been influenced by skateboarding...I had a relationship (10 years ago) with a skater in Paris who really helped me realize that I wanted to be an artist (not an art history major like I was when I left for the trip!) He also acted as a muse of sorts. I documented his days and nights....

Are you a native New Yorker? Nope…

What is art to you? (I'm sure this is a cliche question. But I really would love to know what you value/consider talent..) ….I guess more than anything it’s a feeling that I get in the pit of my stomach…it rarely happens when I’m in a gallery or “looking” at art…it’s more about passion/beauty/honesty…and I tend to see it more in people than in paintings or sculptures…what’s really strange is that the last time I had that feeling was a few weeks ago when I saw Roger Federer play Feliciano Lopez at the US Open…I’m not even a huge tennis fan (my husband is)…but the raw talent and passion (not to mention beauty) coming from these guys was sick…really beyond anything I’ve seen in awhile…
That’s what art is to me…seeing someone or something that gives me a twist in the stomach, a sparkle in my eye…and a lasting impression…

How else (if at all) do you choose to express yourself? Hmmm…I occasionally play the 4 chords that I know on my guitar (I took lessons while pregnant but haven’t been rocking out like I should :))…or sometimes Tom and I will collaborate on a project like we did with the “Scratch” show at the Chelsea Art Museum (we curated it)….oh and I’ve done a bit of acting in some films by French artist Fiorenza Menini.

What are your ultimate dreams for yourself? Your family/son? Health, happiness…be good…have fun…live in the moment…Life is pretty dreamy just as it is…

How does your art influence your motherhood?
I keep trying to answer this but I don’t really know yet…

What's in your purse? Lorac lip gloss, wallet, cell phone, keys, moleskin book, pen…not much really, I recently picked up a new purse from APC and I’m trying not to overload it!

Your favorite "baby" product?
We use the California Baby Calming Shampoo and Bodywash…

I've read a lot about Paris. What country do you feel best suits you? Are you a traveler? I don’t think I’ve seen enough places to say which country suits me…if I’m with my family then I’m home. I love to travel…but it’s not at the top of my list right now…

Thanks for stopping by, Kate! I really am thrilled to learn/see more...

Monday, June 18

house guest:

I'm thrilled to introduce you to one of my very favorite Sarah's who has agreed to make a cameo on Tangled and True this week. Lucky us!

Sarah and I met when we were living as sixteen year olds in London and thought that Weezer was the ultimate cool and “hoochie” was a term of endearment. Sarah was a big part of my adolescent goodness. Eleven years later, her life still proves thrilling and her character admirable. Let me share:


What would you say your passions are right now?
I know it sounds cliché, but I love to spend time with my son. He's the most hilarious person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting.

Where (physical location) do you hope life will take you?
I hope life takes me somewhere unexpected. I'm sort of afraid of living the “suburban dream.” But for now, I love Oregon. It suits me well.

What is your favorite novel?
Wild Swans, by Jung Chang

... meal?
Bun ga noung (yummy Vietnamese noodle salad with chicken)... or gummy candy

... album?
Fevers and Mirrors, Bright Eyes. I can listen to it a million times and not get sick of it.

... news anchor?
Christiane Amanpour. She had a cameo on Gilmore Girls, how can you not love her?

What is the most unique thing about you?
My pseudo-celebrity crushes. Some examples: Comedian crush: Michael Ian Black. Radio crush: Ira Glass. Television crush: Jon Steward. There's a definite nerdy Jewish theme going on.

What is one life goal you have yet to accomplish?
I'd like to eat my way across Southeast Asia.

Your family is a sentence (or two):
Married to a handsome and mild-mannered Lawyer. We share Elliot, one very gregarious little boy.

She's a great friend, a brilliant woman and an inspiring guru on all things culture (and travel), literature, music and amazing baby boy wardrobe (among several others.. I'm sure). Welcome, Sarah!

Monday, May 28

hide & {seek}

I like bags, of all sorts really. But, with my commute from NYC to Greenwich, I tend to like them bigger & a bit more casual. I just bought the Le Sport Sac sling bag on the right & think that it is fun {and perfect for when I need free hands}. The Longchamp bag on the left is my absolute favorite. I have it in two different sizes {and colors} and tend to neglect my other bags in favor of this carry-all. It is among the most versatile I have found and fulfills all of my requirements for a perfect bag- That is, can look professional, and is able to fit a water bottle, book, cell phone, blackberry, wallet & camera. Even better- I can squeeze in a sweater or light jacket. Obvious conclusion- I prefer my bags large{er}. I'm sure most moms feel the same way.

The problem is- I carry a lot of small things with me, too, and small things + big bag = a lot of time rummaging through trying to find it. My solution has been a lifesaver since I discovered it over 2 years ago.

Meet the Le Sport Sac zip cosmetic pouch. I keep it in whatever purse I am carrying. It is small enough that it fits in all of my bags, but big enough that it fits those things that I want to carry with me every day, but don't necessarily want to use a flashlight to find. It allows me to find things quickly and easily. My goals of organization and cleanliness go beyond my apartment- I like my purse to be in order, too. I like to be prepared. A few of the things I keep in my pouch, just in case:
  • An extra elastic hair tie {or two}
  • A few band aids {especially for the blisters that are sometimes inevitable on long walks in the city}
  • Mini bottle of hand sanitizer to de-germ after riding the subway, etc.
  • Tampon, just in case
  • My favorite lip gloss, so I can look more put-together in 15 seconds
  • A Tide to Go pen {I always have trouble with white shirts & berries for some reason}
  • A small pill box with one of each: allergy pill, Tylenol, and Pepto. Perfect for hay fever, an afternoon headache, or a suddenly not-happy stomach after a night out
  • Safety pin

Two additional bags that can hold it all- whether it be diapers or books.

This Banana Republic Hobo bag is on my wish list.

Wishful Thinking Tote from Anthropologie.

Thursday, May 24

simply charmed.

I am sort of obsessed with Helen Ficalora right now. I really like her alpha-charms and think that the initial{s} of a baby, husband or significant other would make for a sentimental and chic accessory. I wouldn't mind having the Smile charm around my neck. Even better- 25% of its profits go to . The Star and Mom charms are also on my wish-list (the "mom" charm being a perfect gift for me to give to a sister, mother or friend since I do not yet fit the category).

Really- the entire collection is simple, sweet & classy. I love it. I want my own charm. Actually, I want several. Soon.

Sunday, May 20

drum roll...

This week will be an exciting one at Tangled and True. We have another week of double giveaway features {stay tuned on Tuesday and Friday} as well as our first “house guest.” My good friend Kathryn is stopping in for several days and has offered to share with us some of her wisdom, her favorites, and a friendliness that I guarantee you'll take to. It will be a treat! {Thanks Kathryn.}

Let me introduce you:
She is part-urban. Since her marriage to Mike (2 years and counting), their life together has been spent in New York City. She recently made a move from Wall Street to the Upper East Side, where she finds more parallels (i.e. trees) to her home of Washington State. “I love the mountains and the cabin at the lake, but feel a love for the city (almost) just as much.”

She counts New York as “beautifully unique,” with every day being a day of unexpected; a huge city that quickly narrows when you allow it to become home; home to a newspaper vendor that, through his daily exchange of “hello,” created a neighborhood out of Wall Street.

She is friendly. Like the girl next door who shops at Trader Joe's (she loves the edamame and spinach and cheese stuffed gnocchi) and would choose yoga pants and a Gap seamless tee with flip-flops over business casual.

She leads a very accepting existence. A friend regardless of circumstance or personal differences.

She's ambitious. She reads a book a week on her daily commute to Greenwich, CT. (“My favorite of late is A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Smith.”) She manages Analyst recruiting at a hedge fund in said Greenwich. She anticipates motherhood .. “should everything go smoothly-sooner, rather than later.”

She has passion. “I love Central Park and running around the reservoir. Shake Shack is a favorite summer stop (outdoor cafe with hamburgers, shakes, etc.- open seasonally), and I always love going to the Farmer's Market at Union Square. I love the sale rack at Anthropologie and trendy deals at H&M.” Kathryn is training for her first half marathon (Nike in San Francisco) and is committed to life. “I really love my life, and I'm happy.”

I hope you enjoy her as much as I have the last several years. Welcome to Tangled and True, Kathryn!

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