Monday, October 1

hello Kate! {house guest}

This week is starting off right. We're lucky. You know when you meet the kind of people that leave you wanting to go fight poverty and injustice during your lunch break?? They recognize the world {life} as being beautiful and they're already doing their part to make it more so?? That's what I know of Kate so far: talent, hope and inspiration. Here's a bit more from our {virtual/late night} interview.

from her blog: Kate Neckel.

Kate Neckel in 5 words?
Curious, passionate, inspired, naïve, lucky

You can't live without:

(my husband, son and family...) but if you want to know a few things that I love love love (that really don’t matter but are SO nice…) then I would have to say…hot hot baths with a new magazine, morning coffee from Café Grumpy, tulips, being cozy, sushi…

Your dream home:
I don’t really have one…but I guess it would either involve the beach (a little surf town)…or maybe a little cottage in the South of France…just someplace where everyone could pop in for a visit and be comfortable…lots of room for making art, music, cooking and hanging out...

What's on your playlist?
Scout Niblett…Uptown Top Ranking
Lemonheads…Black Gown (acoustic)
The Blow…True Affection
Ben Kweller…Nothing Happening
Pavement…Elevate Me Later
Bob Dylan…Positively 4th street
The Kooks…Naïve
The Strokes…Automatic Stop, You Only Live Once

Do you skate? {You'll see the influence throughout her art...}
No…but my work has really been influenced by skateboarding...I had a relationship (10 years ago) with a skater in Paris who really helped me realize that I wanted to be an artist (not an art history major like I was when I left for the trip!) He also acted as a muse of sorts. I documented his days and nights....

Are you a native New Yorker? Nope…

What is art to you? (I'm sure this is a cliche question. But I really would love to know what you value/consider talent..) ….I guess more than anything it’s a feeling that I get in the pit of my stomach…it rarely happens when I’m in a gallery or “looking” at art…it’s more about passion/beauty/honesty…and I tend to see it more in people than in paintings or sculptures…what’s really strange is that the last time I had that feeling was a few weeks ago when I saw Roger Federer play Feliciano Lopez at the US Open…I’m not even a huge tennis fan (my husband is)…but the raw talent and passion (not to mention beauty) coming from these guys was sick…really beyond anything I’ve seen in awhile…
That’s what art is to me…seeing someone or something that gives me a twist in the stomach, a sparkle in my eye…and a lasting impression…

How else (if at all) do you choose to express yourself? Hmmm…I occasionally play the 4 chords that I know on my guitar (I took lessons while pregnant but haven’t been rocking out like I should :))…or sometimes Tom and I will collaborate on a project like we did with the “Scratch” show at the Chelsea Art Museum (we curated it)….oh and I’ve done a bit of acting in some films by French artist Fiorenza Menini.

What are your ultimate dreams for yourself? Your family/son? Health, happiness…be good…have fun…live in the moment…Life is pretty dreamy just as it is…

How does your art influence your motherhood?
I keep trying to answer this but I don’t really know yet…

What's in your purse? Lorac lip gloss, wallet, cell phone, keys, moleskin book, pen…not much really, I recently picked up a new purse from APC and I’m trying not to overload it!

Your favorite "baby" product?
We use the California Baby Calming Shampoo and Bodywash…

I've read a lot about Paris. What country do you feel best suits you? Are you a traveler? I don’t think I’ve seen enough places to say which country suits me…if I’m with my family then I’m home. I love to travel…but it’s not at the top of my list right now…

Thanks for stopping by, Kate! I really am thrilled to learn/see more...



I would have guessed that NYC was your home. Where are you from??


I grew up in Miami but also lived in Texas and Maryland before graduating high school...


Funny. I grew up in Lousiana and Texas (Houston/new Katy) until we moved to Europe in late middle school. Hooray for the south!


Funny..we were in a little town...Bryan/College Station until I was in 4th grade


Welcome Kate! I'm really excited to meet more of you. Your blog is just plain wonderful.

bobohead said...

"And I wouldnt want to shake their hands
cause theyre in such a high-protein land
Because theres 40 different shades of black
So many fortresses and ways to attack..."


yeah that's right bobohead...pavement, i know what you're singing :)

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