Tuesday, October 2

Lullabies and Wildflowers...

I'm part of a moms group called the "Bowery Babes"...we all did yoga together during pregnancy (the studio was located on a street called "the bowery")...and we gather a few times a month for picnics at the park, lectures, movie screenings...and occasionally a girl's night out!

....Janeen and Melissa....

Most recently we gathered at my friend Melissa Errico's loft for a Toilet Training lecture :) given by the oh so helpful Janeen from Swell Being...
Melissa and I have been hanging out quite a bit lately because I'm illustrating the cover of her soon to be released album "Lullabies and Wildflowers"...!!

...Here is a little sneak peek at the cover! You can read more about the very talented Melissa Errico here...and check out some of her tunes ! The album will be released on Mother's Day...how perfect!



that's what I need! a great mom group. and tips on toilet training. (it's approaching very quickly!)

and pre-natal yoga? I'm on this with pregnancy #2!


...yeah it's great to be part of a group...ours started really small, there were maybe 6 of us..then 12 and now we're up to 75! i wish i could say that i was still doing yoga 3 times a week like i did during my pregnancy...it was SO wonderful!


the cd cover looks great. I completely missed that until my husband was browsing the blog last night and commented on the "cool flowers!"