onion action goggles.
With my resolve to become a gourmet {practicing most nights}, I can imagine these onion action goggles coming in quite handy. I've never done onions well.
"Our Onion Action Goggles perform a duty (they are anti-fog and provide a foam seal against vapors) but primarily, they place the chef in a different league."So sleek and stylish and perfectly pink. Brilliant.
genius. much cuter than the ski goggles i've been known to wear while slicing onions! thanks!
I am seriously going to buy these!
These are quite stylish, but my favorite tear free onion dicing tip: cut near an open flame (perfect if you have a gas stove). Thanks to this tip from Martha Stewart, my teary onion days are over!
What a great idea!
this is the best thing since ice cream!! i want some asap!
Such a great idea...totally getting some for myself!
i think i saw these in domino or some other magazine and thought what a brilliant idea. totally need a pair.
oops..matthew g is molly
Umm...I need these! I've been doing way too much crying lately :) the onion type anyway.