Thursday, March 27

see kai run (winners!).

It looks as though there are several See Kai Run fans in you all as well! Thanks for participating in this exciting giveaway. (Because... who doesn't love shoes?) The 3 winners of any See Kai Run shoe available in their new online shop are:

1. candace
: "tough choice, but June & Sadie are both really adorable."
2. elizabeth moon: "My son lost his shoes in the airport last week and I've been wondering where to find some really cute new ones...thanks for the post.
I am going to say my favorite is the Elias. Love the faux laces and the cool grey color--he can match Daddy."
3. emlizalmo: "C'mon, seriously? These are the cutest things I've ever seen. Favorite? Stella, Ashley Maija, Geneva to name a few. My Molly needs some non-hand-me-downs pretty desperately!"

Please email us by Monday with your *size and style of choice as well as your *shipping information in order to claim your prize. Thanks and enjoy!



Wahoo! Thank you so much.